Newsarchive - Biger in the News
Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung)
The Institute for Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management participated in Europe’s most significant research dissemination event, the Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung), on Friday, 24 May 2024, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. In total, the event attracted around 10,000 interested visitors in Vienna.
Our research station was located at the Türkenschanze (Peter -Jordan-Strasse 82, 1190 Vienna). Visitors were able to explore fascinating pioneering research and developments from the CDL MERI and LIFE-Boat4Sturgeon projects. Individually tagged and named sturgeons could be observed passing a PIT-Antenna in a large round tank and live charophytes, filamentous algae from a nearby park, could be experienced under the microscope with further explanantions given by lovely SEM images of diatom algae and silica structures of the cells using 3D models of diatoms.
Lecture „Ecology of Algae“
Our exciting course, Ecology of Algae, is organized by members of the BIGER working group. Feel the joy and fun of our BOKU students while they study the wonderful world of algae.